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snippet: Ecosystems service is a European level extension raster covering land and marine zones. There was a delineation of EU administrative units layer for land zones (NUTS0) and another layer for marine waters containing the delimitations of countries seas, but a layer that combines the whole information did not exist. Therefore, the main goal of this task has been to create a country extension layer including both EU administrative units and marine water. This layer has been used to extract land and marine ecosystems of the countries. The starting base information to generate the combined layer was: NUTS0 1:100.000 (land), Marine waters EU (MSDF) (marine), EEZ for Iceland, Norway and Turkey (marine)
summary: Ecosystems service is a European level extension raster covering land and marine zones. There was a delineation of EU administrative units layer for land zones (NUTS0) and another layer for marine waters containing the delimitations of countries seas, but a layer that combines the whole information did not exist. Therefore, the main goal of this task has been to create a country extension layer including both EU administrative units and marine water. This layer has been used to extract land and marine ecosystems of the countries. The starting base information to generate the combined layer was: NUTS0 1:100.000 (land), Marine waters EU (MSDF) (marine), EEZ for Iceland, Norway and Turkey (marine)
extent: [[-93.4270614844423,-29.8591583649304],[107.395950072372,84.2835421558168]]
accessInformation: ©European Environment Agency
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Ecosystems service is a European level extension raster covering land and marine zones. There was a delineation of EU administrative units layer for land zones (NUTS0) and another layer for marine waters containing the delimitations of countries seas, but a layer that combines the whole information did not exist. Therefore, the main goal of this task has been to create a country extension layer including both EU administrative units and marine water. This layer has been used to extract land and marine ecosystems of the countries. The starting base information to generate the combined layer was: NUTS0 1:100.000 (land), Marine waters EU (MSDF) (marine), EEZ for Iceland, Norway and Turkey (marine)
title: Ecosystems_3_Python_eaudeweb_mod
type: Map Service
tags: ["Ecosystems","BISE"]
culture: en-GB
name: Ecosystems_3_Python_eaudeweb_mod
guid: 3653A337-A4AA-4329-A296-B626FE42E22A
spatialReference: ETRS_1989_LAEA